Brice Shirbach Biking in Guatemala

Brice Shirbach's "Sight Unseen, Guatemala"

In Brice Shirbach’s latest chapter of his Sight Unseen video series, the mountain biker heads to Guatemala, partnering with nonprofit World Ride, riding previously unridden trails on Central American volcanos and experiencing an unexpected cultural immersion.

[Photo] Kevin Horstmann

“The destination took Sight Unseen’s deep commitment to discovery to new levels,” says Shirbach. “It was a profound experience for all of us, and it’s obvious why World Ride is in Guatemala.  It’s so much more than the trail.”

[Photo] Kevin Horstmann

World Ride was first imagined by Julie Cornelius in 2017, when she traveled to Nepal for a women’s mountain bike film project called AndShesDopeToo. Today, the nonprofit builds bike libraries for women in developing nations while supporting first aid training, guide and instructor certifications and more. Shirbach met up with Cornelius in Guatemala for this adventure and to learn more about Cornelius and World Ride’s mission. “We were looking for destinations outside the U.S. when I learned about [Pivot’s] broader partnership with World Ride,” Shirbach says. “Sight Unseen Guatemala with World Ride was a no-brainer.”

[Photo] Kevin Horstmann

“Community and resources surrounding mountain biking is limited in Guatemala,” says videographer Drew Bennett, “but people are so excited to ride. That type of pure passion is contagious and made an impact on the project.”

Learn more about World Ride at